
I saw a tweet this week from RTÉ about a new programme they are making alongside the Crafts Council of Ireland. This being the Year of Craft they’re looking for amateur craftspeople around the country to apply. They require that you have foundation level skills but you must not or ever have earned your primary income from your craft.

This six show series will take fifteen crafts people from the following disciplines

  • Ceramics
  • Wood (woodturning)
  • Glass
  • Metal (blacksmithing)
  • Textiles (weaving)

I know what you’re silversmiths!

The idea of the show is that they will place each participent in an intensive two week apprenticeship in the discipline of their choice. I’m sure as the Crafts Council are involved there will be brilliant master craftspeople on hand to run these workshops.  These fifteen will then be whittled down to five finalists, one from each discipline. The series finale is recorded in Dublin with one of the finalists being crowned ‘Mastercrafter of 2011’.

It’s great to see RTÉ coming up with interesting ideas like this which involve crafts. I can’t remember the last time I saw a series dedicated to Irish crafts apart from ‘Hands’ and I think that was filmed in the 1980’s! It also gives fifteen amateur craftspeople the opportunity to work with a expert for two weeks. I sure there are lots of talented crafts people around the country who are considering concentrating full time on their craft hobby. This would be the perfect opportunity to refine their skills and also give them lots of free advertising!

If you want to give it a try here’s the link to the application form. All you need to do is fill out the form and send a photo of you and a piece of your work. Applications must be in by the 9th May so get writing and good luck!

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