As well as relaxing during my holidays I also picked up some new and second hand tools.
I got some hammers that are in need of a good cleaning. I plan to reface these and alter the shape of them slightly to suit my needs. I’ll update this with another post as it’s a messy job and not one I wanted to start on my first day back!

I also picked up these punches and chisels in Aldi last week. While the shapes aren’t exactly what I was looking for it’s nothing a bit of filing and polishing can’t sort.

I’ve been looking for chasing punches and after having been outbid for a set on ebay I went looking for something I could adapt. These sets were €8 each in Aldi and are perfect for what I need.
These punches are used when chasing a piece of metal. This technique involves detailing the front surface of a piece by hammer striking these punches onto the metal.

I’ll post some more photos when I’ve transformed the punches and hammers…