New Years Resolutions for this Jewellery Designer

Eileen's Bench

I know February is a bit late to make new years resolution but I’ve had such a busy January. I decided that February was a good a time as ever to turn over a new leaf. Besides the usual eat less exercise more resolutions, I’ve made some silversmith workshop related resolutions that I’m hoping will make for a more harmonious work environment!

I treated myself to new polishing tools before Christmas and so my first resolution of the year must be to mastering one of these. Namely, my fabulous new barrel polisher!

It’s taken a few years to acquire this as I bounced from wanting one to thinking I can do without! As the workshop has been so busy with new jewellery designs and engagement rings in the first month of year, I knew I needed to reduce the amount of time spend at polishes. Having done some research and spoken to other jewellers, I found the best way to achieve my desired polish in the shortest amount of time was to use a barrel polisher. Thanks to recommendations other jewelley designer friends, I chose this one from UKGE

Barrel Polisher
I had planned to spend a full day in January trying different techniques and finishes, and figuring out what works best for my pieces. But for the first month of the year, my polisher was well and truly forgot about. So my first new years resolution is to become a polishing ninja.

Barrel polisher

Barrel polisher shot

My second resolution is the leave my bench tidy every evening before leaving the workshop. Now let just clarify, I’m not a messy person and by other workshop standards my workshop is pretty tidy. But there are always just that few minutes in the morning spent getting set up for the day. As I’m at my most productive in the morning, it doesn’t make sense to spend precious time tidying. New, organised me, will from here on out organize my workspace in the evening as I wind down for the day. My last few minutes each day will now be spent doing a quick potter around the workshop, putting tools away and lining up pieces for the following day while listening to a good podcast.

Silversmiths Bench

So there you have it, Eileen’s belated new years resolutions. Of course I will keep you posted on my progress with the barrell polisher. As for the perfectly tidy bench… you’ll have to just trust me on that one 🙂

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