Business Update: November 2011


This September I started a monthly update on the different aspects of my online business. As well as sharing all the things I’ve learned it gives me an opportunity to look over the developments of each month.

It has been a busy month for Eileen As well as keeping up with orders, I was featured on the Radio 1 series ‘Made In Ireland’.  It was great being interviewed by someone as enthusiastic as Ella McSweeney. She has a real appreciation for handmade pieces and the tools and processes behind each piece. It gave me an opportunity to discuss the work of a silversmith and different aspects of the workshop.

Outside of the workshop, I’ve been working on my business skills! I was lucky enough to be offered a place on the Macroom E, Greenshoots programme. This programme acts as an incubation for new businesses and guides them through the early stage of development.

Every week we have a workshop on a different aspect of our business. I never thought I’d get excited about these areas of business but when you can see their practical application in your own company it’s hard not to be enthusiastic. I’ve always loved the making side of the business and would happily spend all day in the studio making jewellery. Unfortunately when you have your own business you need to balance the nice parts with the not so nice parts. Thankfully I’ve been lucky enough to have lots of great support in Greenshoots. So at least now when I’m doing the less exciting parts of the job, I know I’m doing them correctly!

As there are ten participants on the course it’s a great opportunity to get feedback and suggestions from other businesses in a similar situation. We have fortnightly meetings where we discuss our progress on different projects and also showcase new ideas and designs.

Apart from my participation in Greenshoots I’ve been kept busy in the workshop. Christmas is the busiest time of year for jewellers and thankfully this year is no different.

I’ve just sent off what I hope will be my second last package to the assay office for hallmarking. With the international postal deadlines finishing on the 6th December I have to carefully plan out my making and finishing schedule.

So there you have it, my business update for this month. If you have any questions or areas for discussion be sure to drop me an email.

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