I have finally gotten around to turning the cake slice sketches into paper models. If you want to see the original sketches and ideas just click here.
From these models I have decided on the overall shape and have explored the different handle options. Here are a few of the very early models that I did before deciding on the design.

These are just rough models that I cut out quickly. I use these to explore different ideas quickly so I can establish the overall design. I then refined these designs to come up with this.

This piece of paper will form the basis for the design when it is being cut out in metal. The paper can be used as a pattern so I can scribe around the paper and transfer the shape to the metal. This flat sheet of paper is then manipulated to become this.

The only problem with working in paper is that you can’t bend and curve it in the way you can metal. So while I do get the general shape and measurements the curves are mostly just in my head for now! I’ve made two of these models with slightly different handles. Using these I adjust them in different ways to decide the angle and diameter of the handle.

The difference between ‘Image 1’ and ‘Image 2’ is the angle of the bend up to the handle from the base. Image 1 has it at a 90 degree angle while Image 2 is at 45 degree. I like to do all this in paper and then photograph it from different angles to get a sense of the overall shape.

Once I have decided on the shape and size of my design I take the amended pattern and transfer this onto my sheet of metal.
Looking good, Eileen. It is fascinating to see how a craftsman works. It is also an eyeopener to the painstaking process involved in making a bespoke piece.
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