Cake Slice, The Next Step

This is part three of my cake slice project. Part one here and part two here.

Transferring pattern onto metal
Transferring pattern onto metal

I use my modified paper template (from part two) and stick it temporarily to my sheet of copper. Why copper? As this piece is for myself I want to keep the costs down. The final product will be silver plated. Of course I would prefer to work with silver as it is softer and easier to manipulate.

With the paper secured I then draw around the shape with a scriber. Once the shape of the cake slice is transferred onto the copper. I begin cutting it with my piercing frame. As the metal is quite thick I use a slightly heavier blade to avoid the blade breaking.

Cutting out cake slice with piercing frame
Cutting out cake slice with piercing frame
Cutting out cake slice
Cutting out cake slice
Cut out shape
Cut out shape

When I have finished cutting I then start filing the edges. The more accurate the cutting the less work I have filing. With this piece I want to curve all the edges slightly especially around the handle.

Filing edges with flat file
Filing edges with flat file
Filing curves with round file
Filing curves with round file

Now that I have my piece cut out and filed I can begin hammering and shaping. See you for Part 4!

2 thoughts on “Cake Slice, The Next Step”

  1. Eileen, mind your hands. I saw huge potential for slippage type accidents at lots of stages here. The whole process is fascinating.

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