Crafts Magazine

Crafts Magazine
Crafts Magazine

I had planned to write about the workshop today but the postman arrived with the new Crafts magazine and I spent the past hour reading it. So instead I’m going to write about the magazine that has dragged me away from the workshop!

Crafts magazine is published  bi-monthly by the British Crafts Council. As the title suggests it doesn’t just deal with silversmiths but covers all craft medium like ceramics, glass, and textiles.  There are very few publications dedicated completely to silversmithing but I really like that I can view a range of disciplines in one magazine. Often there will be a piece in glass or wood that I fall in love with and draw inspiration from in my own work.

As well as lots of interviews with emerging and established makers they also have a great review section. They review current exhibitions and books. Many of the contributors are makers so you get a different perspective on a variety of disciplines. It’s great for keeping up to date on upcoming exhibitions. I usually check it out before going to London so I can plan my exhibition itinerary!.

When writing this I did a quick calculation on how  many years I’ve been reading Crafts magazine. I have issues going back to 2000 and I think I’ve been reading it since I started art college in 1996. That’s fifteen years!! They must be doing something right if I still love seeing it arrive in the post!

If you want to check it out rather than committing to a subscription have a look at their website as it has lots of information on the latest publication as well as taster articles and images.

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