Fit For Purpose

Britannia Silver Vessel

While I get to see lots of exhibitions worldwide through various blogs and websites every now and then an exhibition comes along that I really want to see in the flesh. This is the case with the Contemporary British Silversmiths current exhibition ‘Fit for Purpose’ which in on show in the V & A until the 16th September. Already I’m trying to think of excuses to take a trip to London!

What I love about this show is the diversity of the work. Each silversmiths explores the theme fit for purpose producing an imaginative interpretation of the exhibition title. The function of each object is explored both practically and conceptually and the finished piece is described by its purpose.  For example the piece by Kevin Gray above is titled ‘…to possess’.  I love this element of the exhibition which is very telling of how the maker would like their work to be used and enjoyed.

Silver Spoon

Ben hold a sprinter's fuel..for each nation a jewel

Olivia be looked at - to be enjoyed

Kathryn display and serve

Karina display and hold fruit

If you happen to be in London and see the exhibition I would love to hear what you think, hopefully I might make it there myself during the summer 🙂

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