
As a silversmith/jeweller starting out on my own I hope this blog will give you a chance to follow my progress. Most of the silversmithing blogs I’ve come across either discuss antique silver or else give advice on how to perfect different techniques. What I hope to do is blog about the artistic process from the initial inspiration right through to the execution of the finished piece. Taking you through the various sketches and models, then looking at some of the different forming processes I use.

The aim of my work is to execute my sculptural designs using techniques which have remained unchanged since early silversmithing. Many of these processes are quite labour intensive but the end result is a completely handmade piece with a high quality finish. As I have never studied silversmithing in college I am sure my approach will be ‘interesting’ to some readers. That approach consisting of a combination of my sculptural education and my 10 years experience of silversmithing. I hope you find it interesting please leave me a comment, even if it’s only to say hello.

2 thoughts on “Introductions”

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, I’ve only just discovered how to reply. I’m still trying to get the hang of this whole blogging thing!

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