Making Silver Earrings Part 2

Soldering silver earrrings

Last week I wrote about a pair of silver earrings I was making for myself.

Now that the wires are in place it’s time to start soldering. I’ve filed the joint in such a way that they will fit together perfectly and won’t move during the soldering. Once I have them soldered, I leave them to cool and then clean them in the acid.

Drawing down round silver wire using draw plate and tongs

I’ve cut two lengths of .7mm round silver wire for the ear wire sections.

Soldering Wires on to silver earrings

When I have the wires soldered on I can start filing the edges. I’ve decided to file the step between the silver earring and ear wire so it’s looks seamless. Once I have that done they are ready to be polished and of course worn!

Filing Silver Earrings

Ta- dah!


Filing Silver Earrings

Silver earrings



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