My Vice: Before and after

I’ve been so busy using my vice I forgot to update you all on how it turned out when I gave it a make over.

Like all the best make overs it requires before and after photos. So here you go…


My Vice, Before
My Vice, Before
My Vice, Before
My Vice, Before
My Vice, Before
My Vice, Before


The Cleaning
The Cleaning
The Cleaning
The Cleaning


And now here’s my vice all cleaned up and in use…

My Vice, After
My Vice, After
My Vice, After (on my Ikea stand)
My Vice, After (on my Ikea stand)
My Vice, In use
My Vice, In use

The photo above shows my vice in use. I know it looks like it’s growing a pair of white antlers but that’s actually one of my new stakes that I got in Birmingham. It was designed by Cynthia Eid (who taught the course I attended) and is used in synclastic and anticlastic forming.

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