This bespoke white gold and diamond engagement ring was designed, as usual, in close consultation with the customer located in Ballincollig, Co. Cork.

Having seen some halo engagement rings, my customer liked the idea of a halo but wanted something slightly more ornate and eye-catching.
We first discussed the shape of the diamond they would like to use. After viewing many different shapes we settled on a round brilliant cut diamond for its sparkle. As with all the diamonds I use, we made sure to get the best possible colour, carat & cut so the stone would sparkle and beauty. (More info here on our post about finding the perfect Engagement Ring).
Once we decided on the shape of the diamond we then looked at contrasting that shape with something square or diamond-shaped. I started by making the halo section and we looked at how it would sit on the band. The customer opted for this diamond-shaped position, which works beautifully with the round stone.
This diamond is held in a 4-claw setting with 12 smaller diamonds set into the halo. These diamonds are different sizes to allow us to get the maximum sparkle from our halo, every part of the halo has been set with diamonds. We then made the band of this engagement ring so it would sit flat next to a wedding ring.
The finished ring is the perfect combination of contemporary style with an antique influence.