Selling my wares: How to…

You might have noticed I wrote about the new online shop and then disappeared for a few days! I was kept busy in Dublin at an online marketing seminar held by Damien Mulley. The day was organised for anyone who had entered a twitter competition that Damien was running giving away a day marketing to a business. There was a huge response to the competition so for those of us who didn’t win he kindly organised a day in Dublin where he could impart his knowledge to us ‘en masse’.

As well as going to the marketing day at the Academy Plaza Hotel I decided to spend a few days in Dublin so I would have time to get things hallmarked and go shopping for some new tools.

There were two speakers. Alan Coleman from Online who gave a great talk on marketing and advertising. He gave brilliant and practical advice on how best to find your customers and advertise your product. I picked his brains during the coffee break and, fair play to him, he answered all my questions, not even the amazing cupcakes supplied by Curious Cupcakes could distract him.

Damien Mulley spoke about how to add content to your website and facebook. And showed us so many clever ways to interact with our customers online. He talked a lot about Google keywords and although I have used it a few times I’m now looking at it with fresh eyes!

Both Alan and Damien spoke about facebook and the ways you can let the people who need your product, know that you exist… Invaluable information.

As well as all this I got to meet other people in the same situation as me. Some working in established companies that were looking to develop the social media side of the business like Claire at Others were setting up their own companies and were on as steep a learning curve as me.

Thanks to Damien for all the brilliant advice and organising  a great day. And to everyone who I met there… Good luck with all the new ventures. Be sure to keep me informed, I’d be delighted to write an update post when we are all millionaires.

It was well worth downing my tools and making the trip to Dublin!

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