Time flies when you’re busy!

I’ve neglected the blog recently as I’ve been so busy working on a jewellery commissions including with some really exciting and unique engagement ring designs I hope ot share with you very soon. So I’ve missed out on covering lots of major events in the jewellers calendar here in Ireland and the UK.

One noteworthy event that’s always fascinating to follow is the Goldsmiths Fair which takes place in London each year. The show runs for two weeks with different goldsmith exhibiting new designs each week.

So I thought I’d share a few pictures from one of the prestigious award winners from the two week show this year.

The first week the “Best New Design Award” was awarded to Max Warren. Peter Ting presented the award. It was lovely to see his name involved with Goldsmiths Fair as Peter was a guest lecturer in the art college I attended. He was the person that introduced me to the work of many great makers that still influence my designs to this day.

I’ve tried to find images of Max’s work. Unfortunately, none of the photos I could find fully captured his breathtaking pieces. Which, I think you’ll agree is understandable given the nature of the approach to his designs. His pieces are created using traditional silversmithing techniques. He uses hand engraving to amazing effect creating an extraordinary play on light and shade. Using different cuts, he engraves an image into the silver which alters as the light catches it from different angles. Now you’ll see why it doesn’t lend itself to being photographed!

Jacqueline Gestetner judged the award for week two and presented the prize to Adi Toch. I discussed Adi work last year. She creates these amazing forms which work are not only beautiful but very functional.

The bulbous vessels are just calling to be picked up and used. I also love her salt pots because they are so brilliantly practical. If they are knocked over none of the salt will spill out!

Adi Toch



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